Creative Writing Workshop – Roomers
Roomers provides weekly writing workshops, aiming to give residents:
- an outlet to publish their creative work;
- the opportunity and incentive to improve literacy, creative and communication skills;
- access to a skilled tutor;
- access to current agency information from a resident perspective;
- a means of reducing social isolation and encouraging community participation
Almost all contributors to Roomers are local residents or ex-residents of rooming houses, private hotels or supported residential services in St Kilda, South and Port Melbourne.
- Workshops run weekly, on Thursdays, at Elwood Neighbourhood House
- To participate, you will need to make an appointment with the Roomers Tutor. You can do this by contacting us via email or phone using the details below.
To view the latest issue of the Roomers magazine (Issue 73), click here! To view back issues 1 to 66 please click here and for issues 67 onwards please click here!
If you would like to find out more information, please contact us at or 9531 1954.